Hi, I’m Beth, owner and operator of TB Properties Buys Land. I’ve not been on social media for quite a while but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been working behind the scenes. I have three small children, so while I did step away from making the “vlogs” on the website as well as making social media posts, I have been trying to respond to emails and phone calls about your land that you’re willing to sell for cash. Right now, what we’re looking for is 10+ acres of property, and we purchase all over the country, so it could be anywhere for the most part. We generally don’t look for the smaller residential properties. I know some other groups might.
This post is to answer the question:
If you’ve got a property that you want to sell, what do you do?
First, shoot us an email or give us a phone call and let us know what state and county your property is in. If you have the assessor’s parcel number or the APN, that would be great. That can be found on your tax paperwork from the County Assessor’s Office. If you can also provide us whose name is on the tax record is, that can sometimes allow us to look up your parcel by last name is the APN isn’t quite right.
After that, what we’ll do is look up your property via public online county records. If you have any additional supporting information about the property, such as attributes or utilities, please send that to us. Any background can help and then we’ll review it and we’ll get back with you and try to make you a fair offer. The price that we will quote you is the price we are willing to pay for your property, a price that we pay in cash, but it is important to note that we also pay for all closing costs. We always close through a reputable area title company.
TB Properties Buys Land does not “self-close” as some individuals or organizations might do. No matter how honest and safe it might be with these other groups, the capacity for abuse is there, and only want a hundred percent transparency. We want a hundred percent safety for both you as the seller and we as the buyer, so we always work through a reputable title company that works within the county where your property is located.
Our quote will be in cash and it will also cover all closing costs through title. The way it works with Title is that once we send a purchase agreement to them that both you and we have signed, they get working on the paperwork. The purchase agreement is an agreement that you agree to sell your property for at a certain price. When it comes to closing, they will require that we send them certified funds. This ensures there is actual cash, not a check to bounce or that sort of thing. Only when Title has our cash in their account, will they record the sale of the property within the county records.
At closing and they’ll ask you, “Do you simply want a check or do you want the money wired to your account?” If you elect to close remotely, which is gaining popularity, they can overnight a check to you so that you get paid right away for the sale of the property.
We try to make it really easy but we also try to make sure it’s very clear. Our purchase agreement is only one page and it’s very simple, but if you have questions, feel free to consult your real estate attorney, friends, neighbors, family, or whoever you feel most comfortable. You are always welcome to call us and ask questions. Additionally, throughout the process, you’re welcome to contact the title company directly and ask them questions too. It’s really important to us that you to feel like you’re a hundred percent in control, that you are a part of this transaction so if you have questions along the way, please feel free to reach out to us.
Again, if you have 10+ acres of vacant land that you are eager to sell, even if you have a small dwelling or an old shed on there, that’s fine too, and if you’re looking to sell quickly for cash, think three to five weeks depending on the title company, then give us a call or shoot us an email. At least we can provide you a quote. We do look forward to working with you, and maybe I can be more consistent with these vlogs. Thanks again.