Hi, I’m Beth with TB Properties Buys Land. Today I’m going to answer another question regarding the offer letter that we’ve sent in the mail. So, if you received a letter in the mail with an offer to purchase your vacant land, generally 10 plus acres, one of the stipulations that we include in the offer is that your property needs to have unobstructed legal and physical access to the property. So what does that mean? Physical access means that someone can physically get to the property by means of a road. It means there is not a gate that’s blocking your entrance to the property and you can physically get onto the property. Legal access means that you are legally able to access that property. Maybe there’s a road that goes to your property, but if it is a private road and it happens to not be legal for you to traverse, then you would not have legal access.
If the road leading to your property is a county road or a state highway, a US highway, that sort of thing, you’re going to have legal access to your property from that road. But if it’s a private road, the way to find out if you have legal access is to check your deed. Or if you have a survey of the property, oftentimes the verbiage that you will see is going to be something like “ingress and egress across existing roads.” Or it might say there’s an easement to the property. Here at TB Properties Buys Land, we do not like to buy property that does not have physical access to it, in which it does not have a road going to it. Now, with that said, we’re in the process of purchasing a Texas property that doesn’t have a road to it. We have bought land in some cases that does not have a road to it.
But again, what that means is that you have to have legal access to it, and there’s going to be work for us to do in terms of putting a road in, getting it surveyed and additional work that needs to be done. We do have that stipulation that there be unobstructed legal and physical access to the property that we’re buying but there are exceptions that we’ll make from time to time in which we’ll buy your property without a road, but we do require that there be legal access to the property.
If you have questions about your individual property and whether you have access to it, please feel free to reach out to us. Please remember that TB Properties Buys Land, we pay in cash, and we always close through a title company that’s licensed to transact in the county where your property’s located. We can always take a closer look at your property. If you have a past deed or a past survey, we can look at that or the title company will come up with that, if you don’t have that information. They will always let us know whether there’s access to that property. Thanks again for listening. We look forward to working with you.