Hi, I’m Beth with TB Properties Buys Land. Today I’m going to discuss why you should consider selling your rural vacant land to a real estate investor.
The very first reason is that it’s really easy when you work with a company like TB Properties Buys Land. The first thing we’re going to do is, we’re going to communicate with you. You have your choices of communication as well. You can give us a call, you can shoot us an email, or you can even communicate with us via our website. If you never want to speak with anyone at all, you have that option. Once we communicate with you and get that information, we’re going to do our research and then we will offer you a price. If you accept our offer, we’ll send you a purchase agreement. It’s really simple; it’s just one page. Once the purchase agreement is signed, we send it over to a title that handles transactions within the county where your property is located.
If you’re selling bare empty land in a certain county, we’re going to work with a title company in that county, and they’re going to handle all the paperwork and the entire transaction. In the meantime, we will give you their contact information: we’ll give you their phone number, their email address, your file number. You’re welcome to call them if you wish, but you don’t have to. The title companies that we choose can handle a remote transaction, which means you never have to go and show up to that title company to sign, unless you want to. If you wish to show up to sign, you’re welcome to do so, or they will allow you to go to your local bank and sign in front of a notary. They’ll send you paperwork and a shipping label, where you can just send that back easily to the title company. After the paperwork is submitted and recorded with the county, then you get paid. That’s how simple it is. As you can see, it’s really easy working with a real estate investor.
Number two, it’s really fast. The alternative is working with a realtor and putting it on the MLS. There is no telling how long it will take you to sell your property on the MLS. Some properties sit out there for six months, a year, some sit out there for longer than a year. But let’s just say your property sells fast. Well, make sure you understand that whatever you list it for, the property may not necessarily sell for what you’re listing it for. In that way, there’s no real understanding of what you’re going to make when you put your vacant land on the MLS. With TB Properties Buys Land, we give you a price, you know what you’re going to get, and you walk out with that dollar value. To reiterate, selling on the MLS may take much longer than you expect. Even so, let’s just say that it sells pretty quickly. Maybe it’s only out there on the market for about two months and somebody decides to buy it. Chances are, they’re not going to be buying in cash, like a real estate investor such as TB Properties Buys Land does. Since we pay in cash, it’s fast.
If your buyer needs a loan, then they are at the discretion of the bank or the lender that they’re getting money from. You’re not going to find a lender able to lend on rural land any faster than 30 days. What we’re tending to see now is closer to 60 to 90 days. Part of the hold up is getting an appraiser out there. Depending on the market, there may be very few appraisers out there. They’re in hot demand and it may take a long time. Now what if your vacant land lot doesn’t appraise for what the dollar value is? Then you have delays and must make contingencies. Maybe you need a new appraiser, and you start that process over again – who pays for the new appraiser? What if their loan falls apart? What if the buyer backs out and then you have to put it back on the market again? What happens if it’s been on the market, it’s scheduled to close, but then it fails to close and then you get into the winter months where you may have fewer visitors able to see your property depending on location?
If you are in the northern part of the United States, you could have problems with snow coming earlier. It might be easier to sell a certain time a year than it is another time. If you’re in the Southern states, maybe that’s not a big deal. These are all things to consider.
If you prefer to sell your rural, bare land fast, I’m talking two to three weeks because we’re buying with cash, then I urge you to consider working with a real estate investor.
The third reason to consider working with a land investor is that you don’t have to put money into your vacant land lot in order to sell it. If you’ve got empty land in the middle of nowhere and you haven’t been using it, you may have to put some money into cleaning it up in order to make it look marketable. You may have to get someone out there to clear out all the saplings that have grown up over the driveway.
Maybe you don’t have a driveway, but people who want to buy land are going to want to be able to pull their car up, or pull their camper up and put it somewhere. They don’t want to spend a couple of thousand dollars after they purchase your property to put that in. They want it done. They want it to look nice. What about if someone’s dumped some trash out there, things have blown onto your property and now you need to clean up trash? That needs to be done. What about pictures and video? So all of these are possible ways that you might have to spend money in order to sell your property. So if you’re considering working with a real estate investor, you can see there are many reasons why that may be a good idea.
If you want the sale to be easy, you want it to be quick, and you don’t want to have to put money into the sale, consider working with a real estate investor. At TB Properties Buys Land, we buy land all the time. We buy rural vacant land, empty land. We pay cash. We close through a title company. And the dollar value that we offer is the dollar value you’re going to walk away with; there’s no fine print. We don’t split closing costs; we cover all of them. We look forward to hearing from you. Feel free to give us a call at 214-699-4455, shoot us an email, or reach out across our website if you have any questions. Thanks again for listening.