Hi, I’m Beth with TB Properties Buys Land. If you’re watching this video, you or somebody that you know probably has rural vacant land that you’ve considering selling. Your land may be empty land and is probably just sitting out there doing nothing. Maybe you inherited it, maybe you’ve got it in a divorce. Maybe the dream has changed for you. Perhaps you bought it and you had hoped to build on it one day or retire on it. Maybe you had children and you were camping out there but the kids have grown up now and you no longer have the time or reason to utilize it. However it is that you have and you possess rural vacant land and you’re looking to sell it, it’s costing you money each year.
If you’re watching this video, you’ve probably considered selling your property to TB Properties Buys Land. So I encourage you, just give us a call! Ask us those questions. If you don’t catch Tim or I, Pat will answer your call at 214-699-4455 so please leave a message with Pat and we’ll get back with you just as soon as possible. I promise you we’re real people. We’ll answer any questions that you might have and we’ll walk you through the steps of the process. We want to hear about your specific situation. We want to hear about your specific parcel of land. What concerns do you have? Do you have title issues? Do you want to sell really quickly? Do you want to wait before you sell? Do you want to know more about us and our process? Maybe you’re concerned about how the land will be used after you sell. We’re willing to listen to any of your concerns and hear about your individual situation in order to try to answer your questions as best that we can.
We are not high pressure and we’re not in a rush. There have been several people who we have spoken with and answered their questions. We’ve go so far as to agree upon a price, get them a purchase agreement, and then they say, “You know what? We’re not ready.” And they sit on it for maybe three months to six months. We’ve had some people who get back with us in a year. And they get back with us a year later and we take a look at it. We say, “Yeah, it still works. We can move forward.” And we do and we have. The bottom line is that this is your property to sell and you deserve to have your questions answered and to feel 100% ready when you do so.
So if you’ve got questions, or if someone that you know has questions about selling rural vacant land, and you’re looking for cash quick, give us a call or shoot us an email. We’re here to help you and we’re looking forward to answering any questions that you might have and working with you buy you land from you in a safe, easy and quick way once you are ready. Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you!
If you would like to hear more about the easy steps of our buying process, please feel free to check out our video series outlining in detail how it works. Step 1 discusses how our interaction leads to an offer price. The video outlining Step 2 discusses what our Purchase Agreement looks like. The video outlining Step 3 discusses how the contract goes to the Title Company for closing, how that works and yow you get paid.