Hi, I’m Beth with TB Properties Buys Land. Do you own rural vacant land that you haven’t been using? Perhaps the dream has changed or maybe even the land was left to you, but you’re behind on taxes. Right now is the time of year where property taxes are due. And depending on where you live and what county you’re in, how many acres of land you’ve got, your property taxes can be pretty steep. And when you look at property taxes, back taxes that are due, especially over a number of years, it can be very expensive and it can feel like that you can’t get out from under it.
Now, if you would like to sell that land, I know that trying to go ahead and list that with a realtor while having back taxes or a lien against your property can seem near impossible. There is a way that you can sell your rural vacant land and owe back taxes on the property. You can sell this yourself to a real estate investor. TB Properties Buys Land, that’s us. We buy rural vacant land. And if you have back taxes, we’re still willing to buy your property from you. What do you have to do in order to get started in this process?
Number one, just reach out to us. Let us know and be honest. Let us know what your property, where your property is, the APN number or the parcel number. We can look it up and let us know that you’ve got back taxes. If you don’t tell us, we’re going to find out anyway when we close your title. But if you tell us up front, it makes it a little bit easier for us to calculate an offer price that we can give you. And we still close your title. What we do is we make a purchase agreement. It’s one page. It outlines out what the property is. It says that we’re going to be paying the past due property taxes or if there’s liens or whatever it is that we’ve discussed and agreed to. We will cover those in closing.
So that means that you don’t have to put up any money in advance in order to sell your property. It goes through title. They do the paperwork, everything gets recorded. You get paid from the title company. And what best is that all of those past due property taxes get paid. Otherwise, when you’re trying to list this on the MLS, it ends up that you’re going to have to put money into the property before you can even list it. You’re going to have to pay off those taxes.
So let TB Properties Buys Land pay your past due property taxes. Let us work with you. All you have to do is reach out. We look forward to hearing back from you. Thanks.